Vol.18 Suplemento 1 2012
RENC , 30/03/2012
I I National Hydration Congress

II National
Hydration Congress
Madrid, November, 28th - 29th, 2011


Madrid Declaration by the Scientific Committee

Inaugural conference

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Daniel Ramón


1 Session

Nutrition, hydration and health

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Ángel Gil


2 Session

Evaluation of the hydration status requirements, diet surveys and biomarkers

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Andreu Palou


3 Session

Hydration, physical activities and sports

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Marcela González Gross


Plenary session

Chairman: Dr. Nieves Palacios


4 Session

Hydration and cognitive development

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Arturo Anadón


Session 5 Session

Hydration under specific circumstances

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Manuel Díaz Rubio


Closing conference

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Lluis Serra Majem




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